What Recommendations

will I need when I apply?


-Your Pastor!

-Your Youth Leader!

-Your parents!


There are spots to Include their e-mail addresses and phone numbers in your online application!

What is Impact?
Impact is a ministry of the Arizona District NYI that focuses on leadership training and discipleship for teenagers. We used to be a choir, with an emphasis on music leadership training, but we have branched that out to include other leadership training as we can: music, children, missions, tech, arts, service, planning, leading, encouraging, etc. if you have a passion or talent, we want to help you find or grow ways to use that passion and talent for Christ!

What is the goal of Impact?
the goal of Impact is simple: give the Christ following teens on our district opportunities to hone their God given passions and talents in a way that glorifies Him and strengthens the relationship between the teen and their Creator and Savior. In the past, we have done this as a choir, and as a discipleship group.  This year our focus will be leading an all encompassing 1 day VBS at our host churches. This is exciting!

Who can join Impact?
Any teen can apply, as long as they are in the grades 7th through 12th. (If a recent graduate has been part of Impact before, they may also apply.)
The application process requires a statement of faith from the applicant, and several referrals from parents and leaders within their local church.
Applications and referrals will be looked over by Impact leadership, and teens will be notified if they are accepted.

What does an Impact event look like?

Impact this year will start on Friday nights, usually at 7pm. We will meet at the church for the weekend, and begin to prep for Saturday’s events. We will stay at the church on Friday evening, and run our event on Saturday. Depending on what each weekend looks like, we will either head home on Saturday afternoon, or stay again Saturday night to take part in Sunday morning church services with our host church.

When is Impact?
Impact meets 6-7 times a year, and is totally inclusive.  Once you arrive at the church, we are set to go. Check our schedule page for when we are meeting.

How much is Impact?
Impact is a one time fee of $110 per student. Unless something extra special is planned, there won’t be any extra Impact fees during the year.  This fee can be made in payments, and scholarships may be available if this is an issue– just let us know!


Click the apply button below to fill out our online application!

